Pauquette Center Facebook

Pauquette Center Facebook

Top Post Performance

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This client's goal was to have consistent postings twice a month. They want to grow their following and increase their engagement. They wanted to post updates to clinic procedures, job updates, and content from their newsletter. Using a mixture of posts, links, and images while maintaining their previous online presence was important.


This client saw amazing results in just a short amount of time. They started with 664 likes, monthly averages of 16 unique page views, 29 page engagements, and 428 on their post reach. The client gained 70 new likes within 6 weeks! After one year, they now have 167 new likes for a total of 832. After one year of posting, they now have monthly averages of 71 page views, 245 engagements on posts, and 2,823 on their post reach. The numbers that this client has received are incredible.

*This data is as of August 20th, 2021. The client also ran 8 paid no longer than 30 days each for a max of $5 per day and a total of $150.

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