SB Asset Management

About the Project
SB Asset Management is a company that works out of Chicago. The company is located in the heart of the windy city in a building that overlooks the city. They strive to provide success in asset management which is shown in their mission, vision, and value statement.
At the time of designing their website, they did not have content for their website. Therefore, placeholder text was used. The project included choosing typography, development of the color palette, a new custom logo, and custom website design. The project included using Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop.
This type of company has website restrictions. They are only allowed to have three pages. As a result, the home page includes a large amount of information. The about page will have a similar layout. Their goal is to get a website up and inform their clients about what they do. After the website is live, search engine optimization will be a key to gaining future clients.

Color Scheme
